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Your horoscope for the week ahead: 6th February to 12th 2023

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red debbie frank weekly horoscope
Debbie Frank
February 6, 2023
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Once you decide to take a step in a new direction the rest will be history. However, you've been pondering this move for quite some time. Friday's powerful meeting between Mercury and Pluto is the great shape shifter when it comes to your goals and aspirations. Be the creator rather than the responder.


Moving into a great adventure is exciting and a little daunting. However, you’re feeling so inspired it’s a case of the time being right. Besides, you’re totally up for connecting with new people and inviting fresh perspectives into your life. It will make a change from trying to extract information from those with closed minds.


Whilst you play with ideas and breeze along in people’s lives it hasn’t escaped your attention that a certain someone has an agenda that will enable them to call the shots. However, they have reckoned without the speed at which you process what they’re up to and are able to subvert those kind of dark arts.


Although you welcome a lighter interlude which brings a sense of hope and inspiration there’s no denying that it’s time to talk about the elephant in the room. As Mercury runs into Pluto later in the week a certain subject is unavoidable and quite frankly best addressed rather than left alone. Approach it with the desire to release what’s been stuck.


Whilst an atmosphere of connection and creativity raises the vibration somewhat, you can't help dwelling on a particular area which pulses with difficult energy. It won't go away on its own so use Friday's powerful celestial mandate to intervene in an issue that has grown stagnant and needs to be resolved.


Fixing your sights on making a breakthrough is a perfect way to calm any form of nervous anxiety. Yet the cosmos is asking you to think bigger than ever before. Instead of being the one in service to others it’s the moment to dig a little deeper and undertake a forensic examination of this set-up so you can change the balance of power.


As Venus cavorts with Uranus you’re seeking out interesting people and ideas that put some distance between you and any winter doldrums. As sparks fly you realise that it’s perfectly possible to alter a sense that something has been cramping your style simply by altering your perspective.


There are plenty of playful elements that feed your imagination but as your ruler Pluto edges closer to Friday’s union with Mercury you’re feeling the need to improve your connectivity and sharpen your message. Think about ways of saying what’s on your mind that could bring about transformation and resolution.


If you’ve habitually turned a blind eye to the presence of an emotional or financial minefield you’re getting to the point of revelation. As a truth-seeker you’ll appreciate getting to the bottom of something that has been getting in the way of your progress. What’s more you can take back your power to move forward.


As the intense planet Pluto prepares to leave your sign next month having spent 14 years with you, it’s having a final board meeting with Mercury in Capricorn on Friday. Think of it as the powers that be convening to thrash out a new business plan. It’s a time of revelation that acts as a catalyst to re-birth your perspective.


You’re truly on the threshold of a new era with a month to go before Saturn exits your sign after 2.5 years in Aquarius. You’re looking at things with fresh eyes, no longer prepared to shelve anything that’s standing in your way. This is why you are adopting a more absolute approach – your word is final.


Although you notice that certain people are rather hard-edged in their thinking these days, your own musings are taking you to a place of inspiration. Venus in Pisces is also helping you tune into the joys of life so on no account allow anyone to pollute your aura with their own negativity!

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