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Weekly horoscope: January 30th to February 5th 2023

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debbie frank horoscope
Debbie Frank
January 30, 2023
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Electric Uranus is plugged into the Full Moon which is bound to light up your life or perhaps it’s a wake-up call. You need to be able to respond immediately – which after all is your super-power so no problem there. Yet you find others so aghast at the prospect of change they try to resist it. Lead the charge.


For a while now you’ve recognised that a new approach is becoming inevitable. After all, you’ve tried the ‘holding on’ bit and it’s left you tired and frustrated. Having made up your mind to introduce a radical way forward you find yourself feeling lighter and freer. Don’t waver as there’s so much to be gained by jettisoning the old.


An element of surprise accompanies the Full Moon which gives you something new to think about. It could even be a blinding flash of insight which makes you wonder why you’ve never thought of it before. However, this is quite simply the right time to shake things up without a backward glance.


Whatever comes out of left field in the coming days is bound to disrupt the status quo. However if you take it in your stride you’ll find that the approaching Full Moon is a major force for completion and enables you to clear out something that hasn’t been working for a while.


The approaching Full Moon in your own sign is likely to be a game-changer. Especially as revolutionary Uranus is involved. No point in biding your time any longer, the sap is rising and you’re being primed to express exactly what you want to do in no uncertain terms. It will create clarity for all concerned.


Although you’ve proved very good at holding things together it’s quite frankly time to make a fresh start. You’ve felt it coming for a while and should allow the Full Moon energy to blow away the cobwebs of doubt and launch yourself forward in the spirit of adventure. Even if your external life remains largely the same, inside you’ll feel regenerated.


As Venus tussles with Mars at Full Moon time, there are likely to be a few ruffled feathers. However, isn’t it better to know what others are thinking rather than remain oblivious? Remember, whatever their viewpoint says more about them than it does about you. Welcome the exchange as an opportunity to clear the air.


It seems that this week’s Full Moon will deliver what you least expect. However, no cause for concern as the surprising nature of what transpires is no indication of how things will evolve. Unlike many other people you have the capacity to assess all angles immediately and can get your head around the right answers whilst their heads are spinning.


The free-wheeling nature of the upcoming Full Moon suits you. In this climate you feel absolutely anything could happen and you’re ready for all of it and welcome the change. For quite some time you’ve pointed out the restrictive nature of sticking with the old. Now there is no choice but to embrace the new.


Improvising is not your thing. However, as the old structures are becoming unstable you realise that you need to think about new ways of going about your business, or dealing with certain situations. It might even be a relief to break an old pattern especially if it’s kept you financially stuck.


The Leo Full Moon pulses you in the relationship department. In other words, you’re experiencing some interesting interactions with others which show you that things can change direction in an instant. It’s really quite exciting, and unnerving. However, nothing that a water bearer can’t handle.


Some kind of pop-up energy is occurring that’s creating waves in your existing pattern of life. Even if this is temporary it makes you realise that things could be done differently. Which could be the genesis of a revolution in your perceived order of the day or the way you work. Interesting, isn’t it?

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