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Chrissy Teigen details discovery of her 'identical twin' in moment you don't want to miss

Chrissy Teigen had a dramatic experience using 23andMe

May 3, 2024

Chrissy Teigen has an identical twin! Or does she? The star opened up about her 23andMe mixup on Jimmy Fallon, which led to her questioning her "entire existence".

The star, who appeared on the Tonight Show with her husband John Legend, revealed that she was on a "therapy journey" after she'd been "questioning a lot of things" - but it seemed that after her doctor encouraged her to take the DNA test, she was left with more questions than what she'd originally answered.

WATCH: Chrissy Teigen reveals identical twin bombshell
Chrissy Teigen had an unusual experience on 23andMe, as she revealed on Jimmy Fallon

"I did the swab for it, sent it in, and it came back and said I had an identical twin", she said, showing that the results linked her to her "twin", dad and cousin. The twin's initials were 'BB' on the app.

"I was like 'Mom is a liar, two babies came out'", she revealed. "I called my sister and I was like 'Hey, uh, is there a chance that two babies came out of mom?'" But her sister didn't remember. 


Chrissy and John re-tell the embarrassing story on Jimmy Fallon

Then she called her dad who said: "I was there but, maybe!" This led Chrissy to spiral, as "nothing made sense, but at the same time everything made sense."

"I felt like I was attached to something", she said. "I'm missing this other person in my life." She revealed she told her four kids the news, then direct messaged her so-called twin on the app.

She wrote: "Hi! Apparently we are identical twins?" following it up with a casual "lol".


Chrissy opens up about her 'identical twin'

Her husband John pointed out that it would be pretty unbelievable if there was someone going around in the world who regularly looked in the mirror and thought they looked a lot like Chrissy Teigen, which Jimmy agreed with. There was something more to the story than what meets the eye.

"What had happened was I had signed up to a show called Finding Your Roots, it's an incredible show where they do a deep dive on your family history", Chrissy explained. It turned out that Chrissy had been swabbed for 23andMe as part of the show, and the producer had used the biotechnology to set up Chrissy a profile under 'BB' on the app.

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Chrissy and John's family on holiday in Thailand

"I don't remember ever getting swabbed for this, but apparently I was swabbed for it and that was the twin I was matched with", she revealed, clearly mortified by the reality as Jimmy and John laughed.

"So you were your own twin", Jimmy observed, with a member of The Roots offering up a comical symbol dash to note the punchline. 

Even John couldn't help but laugh at his wife, as he continued the story: "We decided to name this twin 'Sissy Teigen'", adding: "We had a mock funeral for Sissy Teigen".

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