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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 28 December to 3 January

Check out your horoscope below

debbie frank horoscope
Debbie Frank
December 28, 2020
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Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...


You’re so future oriented that New Year comes early with the Full Moon on the 30th, enabling you to kiss goodbye to 2020 and embark on a drive to succeed that will create your own new normal next year. This is your final few days of playing host to mad man Mars in Aries which spiked the last 6 months with fire and fury. Prepare for a focused and mindful New Year.


As you have let go of so much in 2020, there is little physical and psychological house cleaning to do as you enter New Year.  Adapting to your new mantra of living in the moment is becoming second nature and certainly less scary than trying to hang onto the past or control the future.  


Listen to other people’s disappointments if you must, but do not allow them to infect what should be a time of dreaming in your own personal vision for 2021. As a Gemini your powerful mental processes can call in your potential. Dwelling on what’s gone is a retro step.


You began this year with a Full Moon in Cancer and now you close out with a second one in your sign. It’s a significant step towards completing a whole process of letting go that has called you out on your attachment to the past. The good news? 2021 makes the future exciting.


Gentle adjustments to your lion’s lair make you feel more at home and prepare you for the pathway that will take you through the stunning developments in 2021. For now, the lion can loll about anticipating the hunting call.


One of the many things you have learnt over the past 12 months is how to get on with the everyday details of life as a kind of mindful mantra that offsets external chaos. This will come in handy again as the year draws to a close. Keep it simple.


A Full Moon at the top spot in your chart just before the year turns is a major clarion call to clarify what should shape your life in 2021. The balance has changed and you are  experiencing an on-going re-set. What surprises you is that the more you eliminate, the better you feel.  


Part of navigating this time of year is to dare to step into new ways of thinking and being. Undoubtedly your perspective has changed in 2020, allowing room for possibilities you would never have entertained. The Full Moon on the 30th keeps that process coming and you find yourself totally up for it.


You adore to roam the horizon for new possibilities and you gallop towards the end of 2020  breathing a sigh of relief. It’s already obvious who you want to take with you to explore new adventures. Lines can be drawn over any let-downs, leaving you free to move with those who still carry the torch of optimism.  


A full Moon in Cancer spells the end of a relationship phase that may have hung over you for much of the year. Feeling clear-headed, you are leaving drama behind and entering 2021 with your sights set firmly on a brighter future. Accepting ‘less than’ will be exchanged for being offered ‘more than’.


A whole energy shift will be yours in January as you step into the New Year with a sense that this is ‘the big one’. For now, clear the decks and get yourself ready for a personal re-brand that will thrust you centre stage and enable you to take on something solid and sustainable.


Whatever trials 2020 brought to the table, you start the New Year in the spirit of new creativity and an even stronger appreciation of the things and people that delight you. As the year turns you intuitively know where the magic lies and how necessary it is to look forwards rather than backwards.    

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