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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 4 to 10 July 2022

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debbie frank horoscope
Debbie Frank
July 4, 2022
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Astrologer to the stars Debbie Frank has shared her weekly horoscopes with HELLO! Online readers. Find out what the stars have in store for you below...


Having Mars with you for the past 6 weeks has been both an activation and an irritation. Now this red hot planet moves through to your next door sign of Taurus you can concentrate on stabilizing those aspects of your existence that need to get grounded. Let the adrenaline cool and you'll breathe a sigh of relief.


Mars will be in your building from Tuesday up until August 20th and for many Taureans this will be felt as a red rag to a bull. However, sometimes it's not such a bad thing to experience being inflamed with your desires and wants as you'll pursue what's really important instead of endlessly waiting.


It's not so much that everything will slow down from this point. More that you have to be strategic. From August 20th through to Spring 2023 you'll have the action planet Mars in your sign so think of yourself as an athlete limbering up for your big activities. Position yourself and get physically and mentally match fit.


Over the next six weeks it's important for you to come out of your shell and to experience people power in a way that's life-affirming and energizing. Mercury is sharpening your mind for a series of exchanges and interactions that make your presence known and emotional intelligence admired.


Although you are not in full Leo turbo-charge mode yet, the arrival of Mars to the top spot in your chart enables you to cut to the chase. Don't underestimate the power of insight to give you the edge when it comes to understanding exactly what needs to be said and done.


Although you feel you can manage most things by yourself rather than getting bogged down by other people's inefficiency you need to be a collaborator and connector right now. Especially when it comes to long term goals – the meeting of minds makes the difference between ticking a box and generating real impact.


Now that combative Mars is vacating the relationship angle of your chart things will settle down into a more harmonious groove. You'll be able to navigate and negotiate what really works rather than expending your energy on putting out fires. Get hold of what is the best use of your time.


The next six weeks are packed with input from others who all want a piece of you. Mars in your opposite sign of Taurus is hardly a recipe for a quiet time. In fact, people won't leave you alone. This means you need to get clear on the purpose of certain others being in your life and to be willing to move things along.


You are by nature a person who takes on a lot yet the time has come to be more measured in your approach. This doesn't mean that life has to be cut down to a size which bores you to tears. More that you need to focus on exactly what's relevant and important. First up -your own well-being.


Mars is moving into your happy place providing plenty of opportunity for you to experience the joys of life this Summer. It's not like you to be a total hedonist. However, putting more energy into those things that create memories of heart-warming times really does matter. Put them into your emotional savings account for future reference.


It's becoming clear that those close to you need more of your time and attention so make this a Summer of securing your foundations. Whether you're busy with your home, family or personal affairs – these things count and become the anchor for your wilder ambitions out there in the world.


If you've been drifting along you'll notice a sudden tune-up when it comes to projects and plans taking shape. In fact, this is a busy Summer as your creative spark brings interesting ideas to the fore. You'll be surprised by the reception you get as so many people are keen to help make them happen.

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