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Your weekly horoscope revealed for 15 to 21 August 2022

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debbie frank horoscope
Debbie Frank
August 15, 2022
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A cosmic ray of sunshine dispels the recent turbulence, offering you new concepts and stimulating conversations. Just infuse everything with your warmth and fire and you'll experience rapid transmission of your ideas. Life is getting increasingly interesting.


The final week of playing host to the action planet Mars in your sign enables you to view recent events with a sense of accomplishment. Not that everything has turned out as expected, but you've handled it well. Not only that – a new and productive era is beginning.


For some time now you've felt that others have been leading the charge and you've been running to catch up. Yet you're about to move up to pole position as the driving force energy of Mars enters Gemini next Saturday for an extended period of 7 months. The force is with you!


Often you like to stick with your comfort zone rather than take a risk. Yet someone is opening your eyes to new considerations that could be interesting. They are definitely worth exploring but tell them you’re not in a rush. That way you cover all bases.


Venus smiles on you this week as she cavorts in Leo and catches the eye of Jupiter who always takes things to another level. This is a fantastic time to explore possibilities and reach out. There’s a positive place within a network, group or team opening up for you.


The presence of eagle-eyed Mercury in Virgo is helping you find extraordinary solutions to a range of issues. Others will appreciate your ingenuity and you're entering a 7 month period of activation for your goals and ambitions. Be the realist who also thinks outside of the box.


If you feel you've been trying to put out fires in recent weeks this will be a welcome period of respite. A chance to review your thinking and strategy, put pieces together and also enjoy the company of those who know how to live life in a way that pleases you.


Having navigated some tricky terrain you're feeling empowered to explore new options that could be an exciting collaboration. Be confident about your place in the world and ready to connect with those who appreciate all you have to offer.


As your ebullient ruling planet Jupiter is centre stage this week you'll find the atmosphere lighter and brighter. Yet archers will be focusing on close personal relationships/and or business partnerships for a rolling period of 7 months as Mars enters Gemini on Saturday. It will be eventful.


No one said that you had to take responsibility for everything that happens. Yet very often you find yourself doing exactly that. It's time to grant yourself the space to live in a more carefree manner. Avail yourself of the art of delegation!


Suddenly you find yourself amidst a stimulating newsfeed of ideas and interactions that have been lacking recently. It appears there are others just like you who are eager to try new things and push the boat out. As you are all eager now is the time to get on with it.


At last someone close to you is coming out of a stuck place and beginning to explore a raft of new ideas. Whilst you've always hoped this would happen it really is delightful that they're prepared to talk about things that used to be off limits. Still, go gently!

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