Find out why the London Eye will rotate backward for the first time

It's that time of year again!

london eye
October 14, 2019

Shops are flooded with winter woollies and cafes have brought in their holiday-themed drinks which can only mean one thing - in the words of the Stark family from Game of Thrones, winter is coming! It will begin to feel even more seasonal when the clocks turn back, we gain an extra hour in bed and the days become shorter at the end of this month. On 27 October, British Summer Time will end and the Coca-Cola London Eye will mark the occasion in an unusual way this year.

The London Eye is more than just the most popular tourist attraction in the UK; it also lights up to mark important occasions (such as the birth of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's first child Archie), it is a highlight of the New Year's fireworks, and the pods have even been converted into a pop-up hotel room. But it has always rotated in the same direction until now. For the first time in almost twenty years, the iconic London landmark will rotate backward for an hour - and you could be on board when it happens!

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© Photo: Getty Images

The view from the top of the London Eye.

Merlin Entertainments is giving five people the opportunity to relax in their own private capsule and witness the breathtaking sunrise over the city's skyline at 8am on 25 October, one of the final mornings of British Summer Time. If you want to be in with a chance of winning, pull on your thinking hat, head over to the Coca-Cola London Eye social channels, and get code-cracking. And what's more, each lucky competition winner can bring a guest with them, so if you can't work out the answer then fingers crossed your friends can. 

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But hurry because "the ultimate clock-based competition", as its described on the London Eye Twitter page, won't be around for long. The competition is open until the end of Friday 18 October 2019 and winners will be announced on Monday 21 October 2019.