Inside Hugh Jackman’s epic Australian lifestyle retreat

The X-Men’s secret to health and wellness

Hugh Jackman's health retreat
10 July 2023

From the moment I crossed the threshold of Gwinganna Lifestyle Retreat, nestled in the lush folds of Queensland’s hinterland, I felt a deep sense of tranquillity wash over me. I soon discovered that this world-class wellness retreat was a favourite refuge of Hugh Jackman himself. 

Not only does the X-Men star regularly rejuvenate here, but he loved his first visit so much that he decided to buy a stake in it.

Gwinganna, set amidst the rolling hills of Australia's Gold Coast, is a sanctuary that offers much-needed respite from life's distractions and stresses. 

Each day started with the serenity of Qi Gong as dawn painted the valley with its gentle hues. Afternoons, meanwhile, were reserved for an array of soothing spa treatments.

© Taylor Hill

Hugh Jackman loved Gwinganna so much he bought shares in the retreat

I was here to experience the Wellness Weekend, a programme designed to restore balance and reset my internal systems. Our meals, all organic, gluten-free, and dairy-free, reflected this emphasis on holistic health. 

I was surprised by the explosion of flavours in every dish. From the most delicious piece of barramundi crusted with macadamias and herbs, served with roast veggies and a small glass of wine on the first night, to chia pudding and mushroom crepes for breakfast. I’ve never tasted an orange so juicy or vegetables so vibrant - that's the power of home-grown, organic produce.

Gwinganna has an award winning spa

The retreat's schedule mirrors the natural rhythms of our ancestors. We rose with the sun and kept moving throughout the morning. Afternoons were dedicated to rest and re-energising before retiring a few hours after our last meal, just as the sun began to set. 

This structure resonated deeply with me, the simplicity harking back to a more harmonious relationship with nature and our bodies.

Beyond the idyllic setting and delectable cuisine, Gwinganna's strength lies in its tailored wellness programmes. Catering to different preferences and energy levels, guests are encouraged to listen to their bodies and choose activities accordingly. 

The retreat is located in the hinterland

For me, it was a mix of yin exercises like pilates and informative walks through organic gardens, and yang activities like spin class and resistance training.

The highlight, though, was the extensive range of treatments on offer. The retreat skillfully blends Eastern and Western therapeutic practices to provide a spectrum of healing experiences. 

Emotional well-being consultations and equine therapy were a few of the treatments I tried. This fresh and diverse approach to wellness pushed me out of my comfort zone, but also brought about significant realizations and lightbulb moments.

© Paul A. Broben

Gwinganna's yoga studio is stunning

The camaraderie and shared experiences that developed over the course of my stay added a profound richness to my retreat. I shared a table with different guests every day, each with their unique stories - high-flying businesswomen, philanthropists, parents seeking a break from their busy routines, and retirees returning for their third or fourth visit.

By 1.30pm each day, the retreat morphed into a quiet sanctuary where guests spent the afternoon in relaxation. The options were endless - strolling through the gardens, sunbathing by the infinity pools, indulging in spa treatments, or simply unwinding with a book on the balcony. 

Dinner was a time to reconnect with other guests, sharing tales of the day’s activities and learnings over sumptuous meals.

Healthy, organic produce is served at the retreat

One of my most memorable experiences was the sunset walk on our final night. As a group, we walked the Sunset track, each of us filled with gratitude for the transformative journey we'd undertaken. It was a serene conclusion to an extraordinary week.

Reflecting on my experience at Gwinganna, I can easily understand why Hugh Jackman fell in love with this paradise. 

It is a retreat that promotes wellness, advocates organic living, and provides a sanctuary away from the daily stressors of life. As I left, I couldn't help but echo a sentiment many have undoubtedly felt before me: no wonder Hugh wanted a piece of this blissful pie.

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