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Weekly horoscope: 27th November to 3rd December 2023

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Weekly Horoscopes - Debbie Frank
Debbie Frank
November 27, 2023
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Astrologer to the stars, Debbie Frank, reveals what's in store for you this week. Read your horoscope below...


Bright ideas are there but you’re being asked to create a firm structure rather than sweeping in with a truth serum which is too much for some people to take. Collaboration is key and this is one time when it might pay to be kind rather than pushing for being right. Is an explosive exchange really necessary?


A Full Moon in the angle of your chart which governs all matters to do with your security both emotional and financial brings up anything which makes a dent in it. Ready for you to fix! Dive into those issues which create ripples across your well-being and you’ll be surprised at what you can transform.


As a Full Moon in your own sign on Monday reveals much about a situation which has been under the surface you’re trying to re-calibrate. Don’t be in a rush to make sense of it all as the heart has its own perspective and language. By the week’s end you’ll be able to find a format that works for you and everyone else concerned.


You can sense that people are so taken with their own fantasies it’s almost impossible to talk to them right now.  In which case leave it until they’ve landed and at the opening of December you can do some straight talking. It may not soothe every ruffled feather but they need to know where you’re coming from.


Whilst you adore being part of a team effort or a friendly network you’re well aware that there’s a certain amount of chaos involved in trying to keep the show on the road. Settling some scores is part of this week’s remit. It doesn’t have to be done in a confrontational way. Just speaking your truth is likely to  generate a big cleanse.  


It’s not easy to cut through the nonsense but you’re the one who can discern what’s of value from what’s not. By pointing out the misinformation or dysfunctional elements in someone’s thinking you’ll open up the prospect of a solution. That’s if you speak without criticism but from the perspective of a wise being.


No-one expects you to sweetness and light at all times. Except yourself!  As Venus in Libra gears up to meet with the powerfully intense planet Pluto this weekend you’ll find that it’s getting more difficult to compromise on something you care deeply about. In which case, let someone know how much it matters to you. Your needs count.  


Sensible solutions may not take into account the intensity of your feelings. However, there’s a need to transform something which clearly hasn’t been working and move into a state of regeneration. For a phoenix sign you do sometimes resist change.  Embrace it and you will find you can fly.


You don’t have to agree with someone in order to understand their perspective. Let the answers float for a few days and take in all that is swirling around the Gemini Full Moon. By early December you’ll get hold of a workable plan. The final month of the year is for making an intentional finish to 2023 ready for a golden 2024.


The intense planet Pluto is nearing the end of its 15 year residency in your sign. During this time you’ve undergone extensive change, in some cases so much so you feel like a new person. This week begins a series of last encounters with Pluto – like a check-in to see just how far you’ve come. You’ll see the difference between then and now.


The great thing about being an Aquarian is that you hardly ever allow anyone to disturb your peace.  A true gift which emanates from your ability to detach yourself from the dramas of life and find alternative ways of thinking and being which reflect your individuality. This is especially important when someone is playing their diva card.


Whilst you are missing a few pieces of the jigsaw you need to let go of any anxiety and stay switched on and tuned to the intention of your end result.   Friday’s superb alliance between Mercury and Saturn in your sign will show you that everything will indeed come together in ways that meet all your requirements.

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