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Your horoscope for the week ahead: 4th to 10th December 2023

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Weekly Horoscopes - Debbie Frank
Ainhoa Barcelona
Content Managing Editor
On 4 December 2023
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Astrologer to the stars, Debbie Frank, reveals what's in store for you this week. Read your horoscope below...


Early December has a lot going for it.  A lot of it Venus shaped which means relationships can be the source of joy rather than challenge. There’s plenty of positive energy in the air to produce extra warm exchanges which sustain you through the wintry cold in the western hemisphere. Enough to truly light your fire!


On Monday Venus arrives into Scorpio blessing you with a conciliatory energy and even a touch of romance to see you through the festive season. At the very least you should be feeling happy to have certain people in your life and delight in their company. Looking for the good creates more of it.


Getting the December show on the road comes more easily with socially skilled Venus arriving into the most constructive area of your chart. You should attract all the right helpers and be able to sign off on your list. Which is a good thing as Mercury goes retrograde on the 13th which is not helpful for the late starters.


The first half of December rings with a glorious goodness which has been missing of late. Perhaps it’s too much to expect things to be perfect.   But you can focus on what you enjoy and those you love.  Being generous of spirit creates a feel-good-factor which lifts everyone up. It feels like an early gift.


Home and personal life are taking shape under these stars in a way that sustains you. You’ve learned not to fret about those matters over which you have little control and concentrate on what Leos do best which is spreading the joy. Exploring ideas that offer much in the way of abundance is another plus point.


The coming week marks a change from an uphill struggle. Not that a magic wand appears, but somehow you feel less daunted, more in good cheer and hopeful of positive outcomes. What you put in is being rewarded so you’re not in a sacrificial role but a recipient of some of the bounty of life in whatever form it takes for you.


You’re a great one for making light of things but you won’t need to do that this week as certain issues are fading away leaving you with a smoother run.  It’s encouraging and positively affirming to hear others believe in you and have plans which include you in the future.  Music to your ears.


There should be a lightness in your step this week as Venus, planet of compliments and social skills graces your sign. Besides, this goddess of love does a lot to put you in front of the right people and enhance the heart chakra’s love vibration. If everything has seemed like a long haul you can delight in landing on your feet.


Easy does it as Venus moves into the most silent and spiritually comforting angle of your chart. Whisper it, but things are getting better.  Not necessarily in a big splash but in a way which is meaningful and feels right. Receive this with the appreciation it deserves and align yourself with the possibility of more to come.


You possess the kind of inner resilience which means you don’t have to rely on others to make your world go round. However, there’s a sense that people are there for you anyway which feels unusually affirming. Being appreciated for what you gave expecting nothing in return has in fact produced a delightful connection.


As Venus positions herself overhead in your chart beaming down her appreciation for all that you have to offer, you’re flavour of the month. In typical Aquarian style you may insist that it’s all a team effort and you can’t take the credit, nevertheless your stock is riding high. Perhaps it would be a good time to recognise you are indeed something special.


It might seem that Christmas has come early this year if you are born under the sign of the fish as the cosmos is in giving mode and perhaps making up for the hard slog of Saturn in your sign since March.  At the very least you can see that things are shaping up and there’s plenty of goodwill at your fingertips.